Open Ends

Including open-ended questions in customer experience surveys enables customers to answer freely and provides rich qualitative and unstructured data.

This unstructured data allows you to gain a deeper understanding of customer sentiment, identify what is truly important to your customers and where to focus efforts to drive the biggest improvements in CX.

The key to maximising the insight from open-ended questions and driving action is to quantify the themes of the unstructured data. Blending text analytics with other customer experience metrics enables you to prioritise business initiatives that will drive increases in NPS and other key performance measures.

Benefits + Considerations.

  • Open-ended questions enable you to truly listen to your customers and optimise your customers’ experiences.

  • This type of survey question gives context to the metric score – why is the customer not recommending your company? What was it that made their experience negative?

  • Open-ended survey questions provide you with the ability to better understand customer experiences and engage in more personalised service recovery and closed loop feedback processes.

  • Open-ended survey questions are undoubtedly a great source of insight. It’s important to utilise text analytics and commit time and attention to analysing the output to determine where to focus efforts to drive improvements in customer experiences.

Our CX Measures.