Our client work

Revenue drivers in the website journey

  • The Challenge

    Our client knew the technical issues experienced by customers online, from missions such as finding contact info, purchasing products, to booking repairs & servicing. The next step was to understand what impact the technical issues had both on CX and commercial in terms of lost revenue. The need was to understand which issues should be fixed first based on the biggest gain.

  • The Solution

    We built an impact prediction tool based on customer feedback and commercial data that took into account:

    • The impact of issues on CX in terms of effort and advocacy

    • The frequency of each type of customer mission and issues encountered

    • The value of lost revenue based on interruptions to purchase

    • Detail on impact by product type

  • The Outcome

    We were able to provide clear direction on where to focus website improvements and upgrades. Part of our solution was to provide a tool that allowed for the impact of fixes to be understood moving forward.

    Over the course of the following year, we saw the following benefits:

    • Identification of £100,000’s in additional revenue because of website fixes

    • Improvements in NPS of 20%

    • Increased stakeholder confidence and engagement through evidence-based impact of fixes